DIR 7-in-1 Multipurpose Beautifying Tool
- Overview
أداة تجميل متعددة الأغراض 7 في 1 من دير
رمز المنتج: H5008. 1295 جنيهًا إسترلينيًا
جهاز الوجه 7 في 1 هو جهاز فريد يقدم فوائد عديدة لتحسين بشرتك. فهو يرطب بشرتك عن طريق إضافة الرطوبة، ويقشر بشرتك عن طريق القضاء على الخلايا الميتة، وينظف بشرتك تمامًا عن طريق إخراج الأوساخ والزيوت من المسام باستخدام شفط خفيف. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا كنت تعاني من أضرار أشعة الشمس أو بقع داكنة على بشرتك، فإن جهاز هيدرافيشل 7 في 1 يساعد على توازن لون بشرتك وتقليل التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة وحب الشباب. مع عدم وجود مواد كيميائية أو حقن قاسية، يعد Hydrafacial 7 in 1 إجراءً آمنًا ولطيفًا يمكن تصميمه ليناسب متطلبات بشرتك المحددة. إنها طريقة آمنة وفعالة لتعزيز مظهر وصحة بشرتك. باختصار، يعد جهاز Smart Ice Blue Hydrafacial جهازًا رائعًا يساعد في تنظيف البشرة وتقشيرها وترطيبها. إنه قابل للتكيف مع احتياجاتك ويمكن استخدامه لعلاج مجموعة متنوعة من الأمراض الجلدية.
+ Full Product Description
Facial Steamer
In beauty treatment facilities, facial steamers are very helpful add-ons for individuals with acne or those looking for smoother, healthier skin. As the name suggests, steam is used in face steaming to soften the epidermis. This process helps to get rid of any debris, germs, dead skin, or other material that could get absorbed into the skin and cause acne. Steaming not only moisturizes the skin but also makes it easier for any post-treatment items to be absorbed. Facial steaming not only relieves moderate acne but also gets rid of dead skin cells and any contaminants beneath the skin that might lead to comedones, blackheads, and whiteheads.
Spray and Vaccum
This spray and vacuum device works wonders for enhancing skin metabolism, promoting microcirculation, and making residue removal easier. The vacuum of blackheads Attach the pipe's other end to the vacuum handle. In the handle, insert the appropriately sized glass vacuum pipe. Three different kinds of tiny glass vacuums exist. Using your finger to cover or expose the handle's lateral hole will generate a suction effect.
Skin-mate The prerequisite for cosmetic procedures is a microdermabrasion beauty machine for skin preparation. As a cosmetic process that removes dead skin cells using fine crystals and suction, microdermabrasion is an excellent addition to the clinic. It is applicable to the hands, back, chest, neck, and face. Reducing wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, and small scars will help the skin appear younger and smoother.
Radio Frequency
RF is an innovative technology that generating radiofrequency waves for aesthetic applications to prevent face and body aging.
This unit promotes the vascularisation and the regeneration of the cutaneous tissues, eliminating skin imperfections caused by sun exposition and preventing skin aging. It contains new programmes and accessories for cellulite treatment.
The GLOBUS technology allows to control all impulse parametres (stimulation frequency 470 KHz-2 MHz, time and power). You can set the treatment energy to achieve maximum efficiency both in surface applications and in deep treatments.
Magnifying lamp
Lamp for premium magnification.
This DIR Daylight magnifying lamp will enhance your specialized beauty salon. This magnifying light features intelligent daylight technology to improve contrast and lessen eye strain.
The lightweight acrylic lens of this daylight magnifying lamp works well for a range of medispa treatments and cosmetic operations. By guaranteeing optimal convenience, the tool-free quick-change lens system helps the therapist make the most use of their time. The free-motion arm and head joint with wing nuts allows for straightforward and adaptable adjustment.
UV-heated towel cabinet
This enormous UV towel warmer effectively heats forty face towels, making treatments easier and maximizing hygiene. This large towel warmer has an automatic temperature control feature that keeps the temperature at 80°C. It is easy for users to use.
Effective sterilisation
The UV sterilizing lamp efficiently disinfects the linens, enabling you to uphold the highest standards of hygiene during treatments. This towel warmer guarantees that treatments are performed in a secure and expert manner, making it perfect for pedicures and facials.
In beauty treatment facilities, facial steamers are very helpful add-ons for individuals with acne or those looking for smoother, healthier skin. As the name suggests, steam is used in face steaming to soften the epidermis. This process helps to get rid of any debris, germs, dead skin, or other material that could get absorbed into the skin and cause acne. Steaming not only moisturizes the skin but also makes it easier for any post-treatment items to be absorbed. Facial steaming not only relieves moderate acne but also gets rid of dead skin cells and any contaminants beneath the skin that might lead to comedones, blackheads, and whiteheads.
Spray and Vaccum
This spray and vacuum device works wonders for enhancing skin metabolism, promoting microcirculation, and making residue removal easier. The vacuum of blackheads Attach the pipe's other end to the vacuum handle. In the handle, insert the appropriately sized glass vacuum pipe. Three different kinds of tiny glass vacuums exist. Using your finger to cover or expose the handle's lateral hole will generate a suction effect.
Skin-mate The prerequisite for cosmetic procedures is a microdermabrasion beauty machine for skin preparation. As a cosmetic process that removes dead skin cells using fine crystals and suction, microdermabrasion is an excellent addition to the clinic. It is applicable to the hands, back, chest, neck, and face. Reducing wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, and small scars will help the skin appear younger and smoother.
Radio Frequency
RF is an innovative technology that generating radiofrequency waves for aesthetic applications to prevent face and body aging.
This unit promotes the vascularisation and the regeneration of the cutaneous tissues, eliminating skin imperfections caused by sun exposition and preventing skin aging. It contains new programmes and accessories for cellulite treatment.
The GLOBUS technology allows to control all impulse parametres (stimulation frequency 470 KHz-2 MHz, time and power). You can set the treatment energy to achieve maximum efficiency both in surface applications and in deep treatments.
Magnifying lamp
Lamp for premium magnification.
This DIR Daylight magnifying lamp will enhance your specialized beauty salon. This magnifying light features intelligent daylight technology to improve contrast and lessen eye strain.
The lightweight acrylic lens of this daylight magnifying lamp works well for a range of medispa treatments and cosmetic operations. By guaranteeing optimal convenience, the tool-free quick-change lens system helps the therapist make the most use of their time. The free-motion arm and head joint with wing nuts allows for straightforward and adaptable adjustment.
UV-heated towel cabinet
This enormous UV towel warmer effectively heats forty face towels, making treatments easier and maximizing hygiene. This large towel warmer has an automatic temperature control feature that keeps the temperature at 80°C. It is easy for users to use.
Effective sterilisation
The UV sterilizing lamp efficiently disinfects the linens, enabling you to uphold the highest standards of hygiene during treatments. This towel warmer guarantees that treatments are performed in a secure and expert manner, making it perfect for pedicures and facials.
Delivery Information

Ground Shipping
Our small packages are hand delivered by FedEx drivers to the door of your residence or inside your business. You will receive tracking numbers by email.
see shipping policy
Freight Shippments
Large or Heavy items will be packaged and shrink wrapped/strapped onto wooden pallets to be delivered via Freight to ensure safe arrival to your business. Delivery Notification and Lift-Gate Delivery is included with your shipping. Please do note that all deliveries are done Curbside and will NOT be bought inside your business or residence.
see shipping policy