Choosing the Best Barber Chairs for Your Barbershop

Best Barber Chairs

It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking about opening your own barbershop or simply need new furniture to replace the old–there’s nothing more critical than finding the best barber chairs for your specific setting and customer base. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Barber chairs come in a variety of models and features, and to find the best salon barber chairs for your shop, you’ll need to know who your customer base is, the workload the barber chairs will receive, the type of services you’ll provide, and your individual budget. 

Or in other words, you’ll need to look at: durability, aesthetic, materials, functionality, and price!

In this article, we’ll be helping you out by highlighting all the various styles and features to consider when buying a chair for your barbershop.  

Best Salon Barber Chairs Features

With so many different types of barber chairs out there, it’s hard to make a generalized assessment of the best salon barber chairs available on the market. Rather, we’ve compiled a list of the key features that you’ll want to take into account as you browse through online selections of retail and wholesale barber chairs.  


When it comes to buying a new barber chair, the first thing you’ll want to consider is the durability, or quality, of the chair. To ensure your purchase lasts for a long time, look for solidly built barber chairs that are constructed with durable materials like chrome, stainless steel, and premium leather or vinyl.


Next, you’ll want to take into account the chair’s functionality. Depending on the services you plan on offering, this might include height adjustment, reclining capabilities, swivel functions, padded armrests, rotating headrests, and mechanisms for foot and neck comfort. Remember that your customer profile is likely to vary widely in height, weight, and comfort preferences, and seek out a barber chair that, at the very least, has smooth, easy-to-use height adjustment and reclining features.


Of course, you don’t want to leave out the aesthetic appeal when considering the best barber chairs to purchase for your salon or barbershop. Think about the design concept and type of atmosphere that you’re hoping to create. Are you going for a classic vintage look with leather upholstery and ornate accents, or do you prefer a minimalistic, sleek design–such as that of the Barber Chair Executive–that conveys a more contemporary vibe? And what about the color scheme? 

Whatever the answers, choose something that is going to enhance the ambiance of your barbershop and create a lasting impression in the minds of your customers.  


In addition to the appearance, consider the actual materials the barber chair is constructed of as well. A cast aluminum or chrome barber chair will have a sturdy frame, capable of withstanding heavy use without warping or breaking, while premium leather and high-quality vinyl are ideal for the wear-and-tear nature of salon barber chairs. In addition, high-density foam padding provides both the comfort and the longevity necessary for the chair to maintain its shape over time.


Once you figure out what you need and want from a durability, functionality, and aesthetic perspective, it’s time to focus on barber chair price. With such a large range of prices, from the hundreds of dollars to the thousands, it’s best to start by determining a budget range that you want to stay in while determining the features that will best serve your needs (height adjustment and reclining features are essential!). 

Keep in mind that the higher quality barber chairs with all the bells and whistles will be more expensive, but of course, many of them are constructed to last a long, long time, ensuring that you won’t be spending money on repairs or a replacement in a few years. If possible, shoot for that perfect balance between quality, features, and price! 

At Dream in Reality Salon Furniture, we have an outstanding selection of barber stations, barber accessories, and, of course, barber chairs! Browse through our high-quality selection today!